A Noite depois do taekwondo, cheguei tarde em casa e resolvi fazer uma serie do bom e velho rítimo de quem não tem tempo pra treinar, e ainda inspirado nos gigantes do 300 resolvi fazer algo para a parte superior do corpo, já que as pernas tem sido o foco normal do treino.
Então resolvi fazer uma serie rápida (30 minutos) e que utilizasse 300 repetições (só pra simbolizar os 300) e no final saiu o que vou batizar "Upperbody 300":
Nessa mesma ordem:
50 Barras pegada pra frente
50 Flexões (cotovelos encostados no corpo)
30 Flexões Diamante
30 Flexões abertas, mão apontando pra frente
50 Dips na cadeira (sem paralelas em casa :/ )
30 Barras pegada pra dentro
30 Flexões Normais
30 Flexões abertas, mão apontando para os lados
300/30=serie de 10 por minuto.
Agora minha parte do corpo acordou feliz e cansada :D.
Once there are few visitors coming from non-Portuguese speaking countries, i decided trying to post also in English when posting here, I used to post in English on Parkour.NET but the Blog system is down(apparently forever) so there will be posts in English from now on.
Any language mistakes must not be consider.
Yesterday really pushed by numbers from the website guys, I felt really weak, so i started doing more series on a handgrip to strength my grip and the forearm, I also started to work on negatives, and holding my body on the top of the bar "one armed" holding for the max. time possible and going down in a negative slowly, It's harder than it sounds, I wasn't used to OAC training yet.
Last night after taekwondo, I came home and planed a good workout in the "i don't have time"-fashioned, and still inspired by the 300 trainings i decided doing something for the upper body, my regular train really focuses on lower body. So it would take maximum 30 minutes and would be 300 repetitions(symbolize 300) and I baptised it "Upper 300"
in the same order
50 Pull ups
50 Push-ups (elbow really near to the body)
30 Diamond Push-ups
30 Push-ups arms really opened, hands pointing forward
50 Dips on a chair (no dips bar at home)
30 Chin ups
30 Push ups, regular ones
30 Push ups arms open, hands pointing to the side
300/30(minutes) = set of 10 per minute
Now my upperbody is happy and tired :D
7 comentários:
Parabéns cara, Startans never surrender...
né fraco nada eheheh :D
Mt bom...gostei!!!
i'm mean, great post..
qr dzr...
Ah, vc entendeu.
first i wanted to comment that you should write your blog in english so others understand it but its all good now ;). Nice training you seem to be a 300 freak :P.
Te amo!
bom comeco
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